Crossword • Play Daily Crossword Puzzles Online for Free

Crossword • Play Daily Crossword Puzzles Online for Free

Crossword is a word puzzle that usually comes in a form of a square of white and black shaded squares. The main objective in online crossword is to fill the white empty squares with letters which will form words or phrases by solving clues. At the end of the puzzle all of those clues lead to the answers. The crossword usually comes in newspapers or in a puzzle book. However, thanks to the internet, now you can enjoy free crossword puzzles anytime you want.


Crosswords grids such as those in the North American newspapers feature solid areas of white squares. Every letter is checked and usually each answer must have at least three letters. Grids anywhere else than North America, have a lattice-like structure. Those are with a higher percentage of shaded squares. That means they leave about half the letters in an answer unchecked. Check this: Cribbage • Play Cribbage Game

Crossword • Play Daily Crossword Puzzles Online for Free

The design of Japanese crossword puzzles squares commonly goes with 2 extra rules. Shaded cells may not share a side and the corner squares must be white. The Swedish-style uses no clue numbers, as the clues are held in the cells which do not carry the answers. While there are many different kinds of crosswords puzzles, in this site you can find almost any. So whether you opt for a standard puzzle or Japanese puzzle, we’ve got you covered.


The phrase “cross word puzzle” was originally written in 1862 in the United States. Similar crossword puzzles, for instance Double Diamond Puzzles, appeared first in the magazine St.Nicholas. They were published in 1873. Crosswords in England during the 19th century were of an elementary kind. A journalist from Liverpool, on December 21st 1913, published a word-cross puzzle that gave shape to most of the features of the genre as we know it today. Play this: Risk Online • Play Risk Game

However, let’s stop for both history and types of puzzles. We are going to assume that you already know what kind of puzzle you are looking for. That being said, go ahead and play a free crossword puzzles online.

Daily Crossword Puzzles • Play Crossword Puzzles Online for Free